Super User Programs

Insightful and long-lasting business transformations happen when your employees are invested in a shared vision and have the knowledge, tools, and support they need to succeed.

Whether your call them Super User Communities, Super User Groups, Super User Networks or Super User Programs... it is all about the value of the the collective power your Super Users brings to your organization. At Dandelion Experience we know how to help you and your Super Users unite so that you and they can accomplish more together.




Looking for answers? Our playbook gives practical field advice on the tough questions asked of Super User Programs. How do I start one? How do I sustain one? How do I measure their success? How do I measure their contribution to the bottom-line? The Dandelion Experience Super User Playbook will enable you to:

  • Use proven models for building and sustaining your super user program / community.
  • Repeat and scale best practices around leveraging super users for future projects.
  • Continue to build your super user program's capabilities to manage multiple functional super user groups under an enterprise-wide umbrella.
  • Increase the effectiveness and value of organizational change management.
  • Grow your organization's super user program to be an enterprise-wide program.
  • And more!

Super Users are forever! Your approach to managing and empowering your super users should be continually refined to keep up with technology, corporate strategy, and people involved.

Contact us to learn more!


Are you running your super user program or is it running you? We help your organization's many parts manage their super user program by design. In order for the organization to be effective it is essential that each part be in good working order. Each part must fit and work conjointly with other parts in order for the total organization to perform optimally. In an organization recognized for excellence those parts are aligned so that the whole is actually more effective than the sum of the parts.

The model presented here identifies the key parts of an effective organization. It provides a simple framework to view and assess any part or the entirety of an organization. This model is a tool that can help any organization, regardless of its size, to move toward organizational excellence. The model can help you align resources; improve communication, productivity and effectiveness; and achieve strategic goals.

  • How healthy is your super user program, group, or community? Use our Super User Group Capability Maturity Model to determine the individual and overall health of your organization's super users, various super user groups, and entire super user program
  • Super User Group Engagement Model: Our engagement model describes how your super user program interacts with each other and with your organization or internal group. Having and using our engagement model you will be able to best leverage and align your super users to create long-lasting value.
  • 5 Stages of a Super User Program Model: Knowing where you're super users and super user program is in the the application of knowledge, maturity, skills, and engagement to meet the super user program's value for your organization's needs.

Contact us to find out more!


Measure Everything; Value Pitch Everytime!

Measure Everything; Value Pitch Everytime!

Measure Success

We help organizations measure and report on the definitive and quantifiable value created by their super user program. We show organizations where the value of their super users and super user program is today, and where it can be in the future.

Finding the key success indicators for your organization's super users helps your organization's leadership understand and place an ROI, or true value realization, on the benefit of their super user program.

We understand that your organization's desired result in having a super user program is to increase performance, efficiency and overall effectiveness. Key measurements that promote the purpose, goals, and value of having the program help make a strong business case to your organization's leadership and to your program's key stakeholders.

Bottom line... a well managed and measurable super user program saves the company money and affects your organization’s bottom line. We help organizations define key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • Future Spend Avoidance
  • Performance Optimization
  • People Heat Map: Build value into "flat image" of organization
  • Hidden Human Capital Calculator (the bank account your execs don’t know about)
"If You Can't Measure It, You Can't Improve It." - Peter Drucker

Contact us to find out how!